Hair Alternative ways to recycle Curbside Trash Alternative Ways to Recycle Clean Wave Program Matter of Trust’s Clean Wave program accepts ponytails four inches or longer as well as loose hair one inch or longer. This program uses donated hair in addition to fur, wool and fleece to absorb oil from oil spills and common motor oil contamination. Locks of Love Donate hair in ponytails or braids 10 inches or longer to Locks of Love, a national charity that make hairpieces for children in need. Children with severe hair loss apply for these hairpieces and pay for them on a sliding pay scale, which is based on financial need. The Wig Exchange Gently used wigs can be sent to The Wig Exchange; they are an organization that gives donated wigs to women undergoing chemotherapy. Ways to Reduce Compost Your Hair Hair that is not long enough to be donated can be composted. If hair ends up in waste piles, it will probably be burned and release toxic gases, which are damaging to the environment and human health over time.