Plastic Caps

Curbside Trash

Recycle When Attached to Plastic Bottles

It’s OK to recycle caps as long as they are still attached to their original plastic containers. If the cap is from a glass container, throw it in the garbage.


Throw Away Loose Caps

Loose plastic caps cannot be recycled. They are too small for recycling equipment to separate out and recycle with other hard plastics.

Not Infinitely Recyclable

Plastic isn’t infinitely recyclable in the same way that glass and metal are. Its quality declines each time it’s recycled, so new plastic needs to be added in order to keep recycling it.

Ways to Reduce

Reusable Water Bottle

Opt for Reusable Containers

Most plastic is made directly from oil and natural gas, not recycled plastic. When plastic does get recycled, it is often into products that are no longer recyclable. Metal and glass, which are durable and can be recycled infinitely, are always a better container choice.

Choose Glass or Aluminum

Glass and aluminum are both more recyclable than plastic. If buying something in a single-use container, opt for glass or aluminum whenever possible.