Each calendar year, residential and duplex customers are entitled to On-Call Curbside Clean-ups (features and costs vary by service area). On-call clean-ups can be used either for trash or yard waste only (mixed waste must be collected and disposed of as trash). Bags must be no larger than 35-gallons, weigh no more than 40 pounds and be strong enough to hold the materials without breaking. Clean-ups will be made on the customer’s regular waste or yard waste collection day.
For more information on Bulky Item Pick-Up/Curbside Clean-up Service for West Contra Costa County Residents, CLICK HERE.
If you are unable to take advantage of the Bulky Item Pick-Up with your garbage Collection Company, or you want to take your item(s) to the dump, here is the information:
1 Parr Blvd.Richmond 94801
(510) 970-7260
Open: Monday-FridayHours: 7:00am-5:00pm
Open: Saturday-SundayHours: 9:00am-5:00pm
Cities served: Open to all
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