RecycleMore offers businesses that generate a small amount of hazardous waste to use the West Contra Costa Househould Hazardous Waste Facility to drop off hazardous waste. In order to take advantage of this program, your business must be located in the West Contra Costa service area, have no more than the amount of hazarous waste indicated below, and you must complete and submit the applicable forms (below) to be approved and follow the requirements.

Does your business qualify for the Very Small Quantity Generator Program (VSQG) at the West Contra Costa Permanent HHW Facility?

You qualify to use this VSQG program, per month, if you generate:

  • Less than 220 pounds of most hazardous waste (i.e. paints, solvents, photographic chemicals). This is approximately equal to 27 gallons of liquid with a comparable weight to water.
  • Less than 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste. This is approximately equal to one quart of liquid with a comparable weight to water.
  • Less than 110 pounds of perchloroethylene. This is approximately equal to 13 gallons of liquid with a comparable weight of water.

These guidelines are set out in the Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 265.201 and the California Code of Regulations Title 22, section 66260.10. An SQG collection program cannot accept more than 220 pounds of waste per generator per month.

Other requirements:

  • State and federal hazardous waste laws limit the use of household hazardous waste collection programs to households and those businesses that generate less than 220 lbs / 27 gallons (100 kilograms) of hazardous waste a month and less than 1 kg of “extremely hazardous waste” a month.
  • Waste drop-off will be scheduled and must be delivered during the following hours of operation at this location:
    • Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
    • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (closed Noon to 12:30 p.m. for lunch)
    • WCC HHW Facility, 101 Pittsburg Ave., Richmond, CA  94801
  • An authorized representative of the organization or business such as the owner, manager or supervisor, who has legal authorization to obligate, must sign the acceptance form.
  • Customers must adhere to the following requirements in preparing waste for transport:
    • No leaking containers are allowed
    • Keep different products separate from each other
    • Avoid spills: secure lids
    • Tape lids down if possible to fall off
    • Unknowns are not accepted
    • Unlabeled containers with known contents should be labeled with the product name or classification
    • No containers greater than 5 gallons
    • If container is very rusty or cracked, transfer to another container and label it or place it in another secure container
    • Place wastes in boxes and surround with newspaper or other material so that containers do not move during transport
    • Place wastes in the trunk or back of the vehicle away from occupants
    • Load your vehicle just prior to delivery
    • Drive directly to the facility
    • Do not allow children or pets in the vehicle
  • The following waste is not accepted:
    • Radioactive Materials
    • Explosives, including firearms
    • Controlled substances
    • Gas Cylinders – Pressurized, thick-walled over 5 gallons
  • State law limits transportation amount to 220 pounds / 27 gallons or less and we are required to reject any amount over that limit.
  • The waste that has been preapproved will ONLY be accepted.


Prior to arrival at the HHW Facility (in Richmond), you will need to bring the following items:

1) Approved Program Request Forms (CLICK HERE FOR FORMS):

2) Signed Requirements for Program Use (Form 1)

3) Signed Materials Acceptance Form (Form 2a)

4) Inventory of Hazardous Waste for Disposal Form (Form 3)

5) Proof that your business or organization is located in the eligible service area

6) Check made out to “WCRR” with Payment Amount


Once the forms are completed and signed, please submit to Peter Nuti, Republic Services at [email protected].

You will receive approved executed forms along with total pricing and an appointment date and time for you to bring in your items. 



Very Small Quantity Generator Program (VSQG) 

RecycleMore offers HHW fee waivers to WCCUSD schools and non-profits with a limit of 2x per year (but not to be used in the same month). If you have more waste, and not more than 220 pounds, you may still use the VSQG program, however, there will be a fee. In order to use this service and/or apply for the waiver, please complete and sign these forms.

Prior to arrival at the facility, you will need to bring the following items:

1) Approved Program Request Forms (CLICK HERE FOR WCCUSD AND NON PROFIT FORM):
2) Signed Requirements for Program Use (Form 1)
3) Signed Materials Acceptance Form (Form 2a)
4) Hazardous Waste Materials Fee Waiver Request (Form 2b)
5) Inventory of Hazardous Waste for Disposal Form (Form 3)
6) Proof that your business or organization is located in the eligible service area


Once the forms are completed and signed, please submit to Peter Nuti, Republic Services at [email protected].

You will receive the approved executed forms along with an appointment date and time for you to bring in your items. 



Contact the WCC HHW Hotline Number at (888) 412-9277.



What information should I have when I call?

A clear, complete description of your hazardous waste is necessary to determine whether the waste can be accepted into the Very Small Quantity Generator Program. Explosive (or potentially explosive), infectious, radioactive, are not acceptable in any case. A complete inventory of the hazardous waste you wish to dispose of will be required at the time you apply in order to price your waste. Hazardous waste brought to the program must be described by at least the following:

  • Name, address and phone number of your company.
  • Hazardous Waste/Generator ID# (Directions to obtain an ID# are below)
  • Figures for how much waste is generated per month and per year.
  • Chemical name or trade name of the waste.
  • Percentages of chemical constituents in the waste.
  • Process generating waste and possible contaminants
  • Size, type and number of containers to be brought in.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are often your best source of information regarding the potentially hazardous products you use. An MSDS will list the hazardous constituents of each product and are available from product suppliers. If you have an MSDS for the hazardous product or waste you want to dispose of, have it handy when you call in to pre-register and bring a copy with you when you drop off your waste.If you do not have an MSDS for your hazardous product or waste, describe the waste’s characteristics, uses, and origin to the SQG coordinator and mark this information on the product container. If the waste is still in its original container, keep it there because information on the container is likely to help with the waste description. If the waste is not in its original container, label the container clearly with the chemical contents or bring the original container along with you.Unknown wastes cannot be accepted under this program, but may be resubmitted once a satisfactory description or laboratory analysis is available.

What if I have too much waste (more than the 220 pounds) to qualify for the VSQG Program?

If you generate per month more than the amounts of waste listed above, you are considered a regulated generator. You may not participate in this program. For information on how to get rid of your hazardous waste, call a local hazardous waste management company, or the State Department of Toxic Substance Control at (916) 255-3545.

Do I need a state generator identification number?

Yes, in the state of California, every business which generates any amount of hazardous waste is required to have a Generator Identification Number. This can be obtained by submitting an online application with the State Department of Toxic Substance Control. For more information on obtaining an identification number, call 1-800-618-6942. You should have a generator number and provide it on the application forms for the VSQG Program and before bringing your waste to the collection site.

What is the expectation on arrival of the HHW Facility?

When you arrive on your designated drop-off day and time, you must bring the approved required forms as indicated above. As a company representative, will be asked to sign a completed Check-in Receipt and Certification Statement. This is used to verify that all of the information on the completed form is accurate to the best of the representative’s knowledge, and to verify that the representative and the company understand and meet the regulatory requirements for qualification as a Very Small Quantity Generator. The check-in attendant will complete the waste description portion of the Check-in Receipt. A copy of this form will be returned to you as certification of proper waste disposal and cash receipt.

Where can I learn more?

Lean more about the regulatory compliance regarding hazardous waste materials of the California Code of Regulations and the Federal Code of Regulations for Senate Bill SB 612. We encourage you to review these regulations and other educational material from the California State Department of Toxic Substance Control at (916) 255-3545.