RecycleMore is a public agency partner to the Contra Costa County Green Business Program in West Contra Costa County and conducts site visits to verify that business are meeting the program standards established for solid waste reduction and recycling. To get started visit the online application page of the Green Business program.
RecycleMore offers advice and technical assistance at no cost to support local business in achieving compliance with the Green Business Program standards.
Get recognized for being Green — sign up to become a Green Business today!
Staff will work with your business and local agencies to verify that you are complying with any applicable environmental regulations. This could include site visits from wastewater, storm water, hazardous materials/waste, and air quality regulators, depending on your business type. We will provide technical assistance to ensure your business is in compliance.
to select and record measures to conserve resources and prevent pollution. Some actions businesses take include:
You may already be doing enough to qualify. Staff from PG&E, your water company and others will visit your business to verify what you’re doing to meet the Green Business Program standards.
The application process has been made available online. Get started today!
Businesses receive advice and technical assistance at no cost from the Green Business Program coordinators and their public agency/utility partners. If you are seeking Green Business Program recognition, contact your county coordinator to learn more about the Green Business Standards, what it takes to become a Green Business and to apply.
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