Diverting Organic Waste and Recyclables Now Mandatory Under New State Law



Effective January 1, 2024, jurisdictions can issue notice of violations and fines for generators that are not compliant with SB 1383.

Effective January 1, 2022, California state law Senate Bill (SB) 1383 Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy, requires all businesses, residents, and multifamily properties, to separate organic materials (such as plant debris, food waste, food soiled papers, untreated wood waste) and recyclable materials from trash, and either subscribe to the required collection services or self-haul to an appropriate facility for diversion.


The GOAL  |  The WHO  |  The WHAT  |  The HOW  |  The TOOLKIT  |  The WHY  |  The ENFORCEMENT | For SELF-HAUL

The GOAL of SB 1383

  • Reduce organic waste disposal 75% by 2025.

  • Rescue 20% of surplus edible food for those that need it by 2025.

SB 1383 Requirements and Timeline

Source: CalRecycle

WHO: Who Does This Affect?

  • Single-Family homes/Condos/Townhomes
  • Multi-Family properties (such as condos or apartments with 3+ or more units, and for City of El Cerrito with 5+ or more units),
  • Commercial Businesses
  • Public/Private Schools

WHAT: What Does This Mean?    

The SB 1383 law has expanded on the requirements of AB 341 – Mandatory Commercial Recycling and AB 1826 – Mandatory Commercial Recycling.

The Changes:

  • This now impacts residents, not just businesses and multi-family properties – sorting of organics and recyclables is now mandatory.
  • Large food-generating businesses like Supermarkets and Wholesale Food Distributors are now required to contract with an edible food recovery organization to donate excess edible food to help feed people.

HOWHow Do I Participate?

Here is how you can participate to be compliant with the SB 1383 law:



As of January 1, 2022, all multifamily properties (such as condos or apartments with 3+ or more units, and for City of El Cerrito with 5+ or more units), under state law, are now required to provide an organics cart for tenant food waste as well as manage all landscaping debris generated at the site. If you have a landscaper, you must verify that they are delivering all removed landscaping debris to a compost facility or utilizing your on-site green cart.

If you are a Multifamily property owner or manager, please call your waste management collection services company to request the required containers or to request a site visit to discuss service options.
For businesses located in El Cerrito, contact East Bay Sanitary.
For businesses located in all other cities of West Contra Costa County, contact Republic Services.

It is recommended that property management ask tenants to opt-in to the food waste program. While not all tenants are required to participate, all accounts must have a green cart available to tenants that opt-in to participate.

Multifamily property owners are required under the law to provide information on recycling and composting to tenants annually and upon move-in and upon notice of move out. Tenant instructions are available for those tenants that wish to participate in the food waste program.


West Contra Costa County Residents:

For convenience, here are some resources to access to help provide the information to your tenants in the Republic Service area:

Apartment & Condominium Waste Services Guide – Brochure

Apartment & Condominium Waste Services Guide – Brochure – Spanish


Organics Notification Letter Template

Organics Notification Letter Template – Spanish


Sample Lease Agreement

Sample Lease Agreement – Spanish


What Goes Where Poster – Organics

What Goes Where Poster – Recycling

What Goes Where Poster – Trash


City of El Cerrito Residents:

For convenience, here are some resources to access to help provide the information to your tenants in the City of El Cerrito:

Commercial/Multifamily Waste Services Guide – Brochure

Commercial/Multifamily Waste Services Guide – Brochure – Spanish

Commercial/Multifamily Waste Services Guide – Brochure – Mandarin


Organics Notification Letter Template

Organics Notification Letter Template – Spanish

Organics Notification Letter Template – Mandarin


Sample Lease Agreement

Sample Lease Agreement – Spanish

Sample Lease Agreement – Mandarin


What Goes Where Poster – Organics

What Goes Where Poster – Recycling

What Goes Where Poster – Trash


Food Scrap Pail Information

To obtain Food Scrap Pails for your tenants:


Access the Online Recycling Guide to Determine What Goes in Each Bin:

(select image)


Additional Resources – Videos

Here are videos that show your tenants how to properly sort waste and use the Kitchen Food Scrap Pail properly to place the contents in the green/organics cart. Feel free to share with your tenants.


Apartments & Condomiums Waste Training by Republic Services

This video was produced by Republic Services, and given RecycleMore approval to use.

Composting for Apartments and Condos – English Version:

Composting for Apartments and Condos – Spanish Version:

Composting for Apartments and Condos – Chinese Version:

These three (3) videos were produced by ReThinkWaste, a South Bayside Waste Management Authority, located in San Carlos, CA, and given RecycleMore approval to use.

WHY: Why Is This Important?

Complying with this state law helps combat climate change by recycling organic waste correctly. Organic waste is the largest waste stream in California and items like food scraps, yard trimmings, paper, and cardboard make up half of what Californian’s dump in landfills. When these organic materials are sent to a landfill, they generate methane, a powerful climate pollutant. Landfills are the third largest source of methane in the state and are contributing to the drought, wildfires, and flooding that we are seeing around the state and nation. In addition, air pollutants contribute to health conditions and breathing issues like asthma.

Landfills are the Third Largest Source of Methane Gas in California

Source: CalRecycle


By diverting organic material to compost facilities, we are directly reducing the amount of climate pollutants generated by our waste materials.

Fighting Climate Change by Recycling Organic Waste

Source: CalRecycle

ENFORCEMENT: Compliance Monitoring, Sorting, and Violations


As of January 1, 2024, jurisdictions can issue notice of violations and fines for generators that are not compliant with SB 1383.


As a requirement of SB 1383, annual audits for Multifamily Properties must be performed to ensure waste is properly sorted.

Your garbage collection company be conducting random inspections of containers periodically to identify contamination and encourage proper materials separation.

These inspections will involve minimal handling of your material and may include opening of bags to inspect container contents. Auditors will be wearing reflective vests and may spend several minutes conducting their audit activities, in the early morning hours. If your containers have been inspected, you will be notified with a tag placed on your container with the outcome.

If you have any questions, please contact your garbage collection company:  Republic Services Customer Service Department at (510) 262-7100 or East Bay Sanitary Customer Service Department at (510) 237-4321.