What is Composting and Why Do It?
Composting is the controlled decomposition of organic material such as leaves, twigs, grass clippings, and vegetable food waste. Compost is a soil amendment product that results from proper composting.
Whether it’s done on site, at the point of waste generation, or in a large scale, centralized facility, composting helps to keep the high volume of organic material out of landfills and turns it into a useful product. On site composting reduces the cost of hauling materials and is generally exempted from solid waste regulations. Large scale facilities can handle more material and potentially produce a more consistent product, but may be faced with regulatory issues.
Basics of Composting
There’s lots to learn about making and using compost. But, it can actually be a great way to recycle scraps from your kitchen and yard, and be fun at the same time! Refer to the links below to learn more about composting:
How to Compost at HomeSelect this section to learn about the basics of composting, from start to finish.
Worm Composting
Select the section to learn a simple and efficient way to compost using worms.
MulchingSelect this section to learn all about another great use for yard waste.
Select this setion to learn about ways to practice grasscycling for your yard care.
Compost SuppliesSelect this section to find bins, tools, and supplies for composting including a discounted rate for compost bins.
Backyard Composters and Accessories
To encourage composting, RecycleMore is offers discounts towards backyard composting and supplies. Click here for more information.
Compost Giveaway
You may be eligible to receive free compost courtesy of Republic Services. Click here for more information.
Home Composting Workshops
RecycleMore does not currently offer home composting workshops. Please access Contra Costa County website for Composting and Gardening Programs which include composting workshops. Click Here.
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