RecycleMore/West Contra Costa Integrated Waste Management Authority (WCCIWMA) as the lead district government agency along with the member agencies, have the combined powers necessary for the following:

  • Report the annual compliance as a single regional entity for the Act(s)’ reporting requirements.
  • Implement regional waste reduction and recycling diversion programs.
  • Increase the diversion of waste from disposal facilities.
  • Develop an Integrated Waste Resource Facility (IRRF) to achieve the Members’ waste diversion goals, to comply with the Act(s), and to arrange for processing of and disposal of remaining waste.


There are 5 member agencies that make up the Joint Powers Authority with RecycleMore, including parts of Unicorporated West Contra Costa County:


For current residential collection rates by jurisdiction, click here.

For current commercial collection rates by jurisdiction, click here.


RecycleMore Jurisdiction Boundaries